1、干细 🐛 胞脂肪变性属 🐘 于什么
脂肪退化2、干细胞脂 💮 肪变性实验 🐅 报告图
and B=fatty liver area/total liver tissue area. The results of hematoxylin and eosin staining are shown in Figure 1. The oil red O staining results are shown in Figure 2. In the treatment group, lipid droplets accumulate in the liver cells, which is more obvious in 4week and 8week MSCs. (a) Control group; (b) 1week MSCs; (c) 2week MSCs; (d)4week MSCs; (e) 8week MSCs; (f) 12week MSCs. Scale bar=50 μm. (B) Quantitative analysis of liver fat deposition by oil red O staining. Statistical analysis is based on in vitro experiment data and illustrates the relationship between the expression of CD90 and PPARγ and liver fat deposition. a. Expression of CD90 in BMMSCs The results of the flow cytometry results are shown in Figure 3. The results showed that the BMMSC expression of CD90 decreased significantly with the extension of culture time. The expression of CD90 was 99.01% in passage 4 BMMSCs, which decreased to 80.36% in passage 8 BMMSCs and 63.20% in passage 12 BMMSCs. b. Expression of PPARγ in BMMSCs and liver tissue The expression of PPARγ in BMMSCs and liver tissues was detected by RTqPCR and Western blotting. The results of RTqPCR and Western blotting are shown in Figures 4 and 5, respectively. The results showed that the expression of PPARγ in BMMSCs increased significantly with the extension of culture time, which is consistent with the results of CD90. The expression of PPARγ in the BMMSCs of passage 4 was the lowest, and the expression of passage 8 and passage 12 gradually increased. The expression of PPARγ in the liver tissue of the
3、干细胞弥漫脂肪 🐦 变性的原因
干细胞弥漫 🐋 脂肪变性的原因包括:
营养 🦅 条 💮 件 🌼 :
培养基 🌺 中富含葡萄糖 🦟 和脂肪酸
信号 🌼 通路异常:
Wnt信 🕊 号 🐛 通路失调
PPARγ信 🐈 号 🐛 通路 🐝 激活
过度表达脂肪 🌲 生成 🌳 相 🐛 关基因,如PPARγ、CEBPα和aP2
代谢 🍁 异 🌾 常:
线粒体功能障碍 🦁
糖 🍁 酵解和脂肪 🦈 酸氧化途径失衡 🍁
氧 🦊 化 🐵 应激 🌲 :
活性 🌹 氧物质的积累
抗 🦄 氧化防御系统 🐒 的损害
表观遗传 🦢 修饰:
DNA甲基化和组蛋白修饰的变化 🐯 ,抑制脂肪生成 🐡 相关基因的表达
其 🦢 他因 🐼 素 🦅 :
干细 🐛 胞 🐡 类 🐛 型
培养 🌷 时间和 🪴 条件 🌷
培养基中添加剂的影 💮 响
4、干细 🦆 胞脂肪变性切片手绘 🐝 图
[图 🐠 像:干细 🐝 胞脂肪变性 🌸 切片手绘图]
细胞核: 深紫色 卵圆形或不规则 🐴 形 🐦 状
大 🌿 而清晰的核仁
细胞质: 浅粉红 🪴 色 🐱
含大量 🐒 脂肪滴
脂肪滴呈空 🦆 泡状 🐘 ,边界 ☘ 清晰
胞膜: 细 🦄 线状 🌻 ,淡粉红色
背景: 无色或浅灰色 🕷
注释: 箭 🐘 头指向脂 💮 肪 🐺 滴。
图中所示为人类骨髓来源的干细胞经诱导后发生的脂 🐳 肪 🦍 变性。
脂肪 🌳 变性是干细 🌷 胞分化成脂肪细胞的过程 🐼 。